Free wifi - Wifi4EU

7 locations in our munisipality offer free internet access!

We are taking part of an European Commission project. The aim is to support free Wi-Fi connectivity for citizens and visitors in public spaces through Wifi4EU program.
The most relevant is in Polhograjska graščina - Polhov Gradec mantion, where there are connection points. One in ground flor and one in the park next to the small house.

Other locations:

  • KS Črni Vrh, Črni Vrh 37a (inside and outside),
  • KS Šentjošt, Šentjošt 13 (inside and outside),
  • ŠRC Gabrje (outside),
  • KD Jakoba Trobca, Polhov Gradec 13 (inside and outside),
  • Občina Dobrova - Polhov Gradec, Stara cesta 13 (inside and outside),
  • PGD Dobrova, Ulica Vladimirja Dolničarja 11 (inside and outside).