Roman Peklaj
Roman Peklaj
Roman Peklaj


Aleš Fevžer

Tea with Count Blagay

Chat to the distinguished Count Blagaj at a castle tea partyHow lovely it is to go back in time, particularly when represented by such a courteous and distinguished gentleman as Count Rihard Ursini Blagaj, and his elegant wife, Antonija. Although over two centuries have passed since they lived in the mansion house in the heart of the Polhov Gradec hils, ...

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Božnar House of Honey

Experience Slovenian Apiculture and Honey Did you know that bees must collect nectar from over a million flowers in order to make one kilogramme of pure honey? If this was to be done by just one single bee, it would have to fly the equivalent of seven times around the Earth! Do you know the difference between different types of ...

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Peter Irman

Culinary Experiences in Polhov Gradec

In the Polhov Gradec 'Dolomites', the hilly suburbs of Ljubljana, unique local stories are combined together with stories of goodies from 'Blagaj's Land'. The goodies, which are known collectively as 'A Wealth of Goodies from Blagaj's Land', can be experienced by visiting local homesteads, tasted as prepared by top chefs, rooted out from the past, and admired ...

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